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Welcome to Dental Service of Mercy Medical Clinic! Your smile is part of your personality. It defines you! The Dental Department of the Mercy Medical Clinic (MMC) has an array of tools and techniques for improving the status and appearance of your smile. That's why it's so important to take good care of your teeth and gums. Are you feeling unwell or unhappy with your smile? MMC wishes to see you smiling! Don't wait another minute- Call for MMC Dental Services on 0786101715 now to schedule an appointment. MMC Dental services include: Dental Bonding, Dental Crowns, Bridgework, Cosmetic Fillings, Invisalign, Dental Veneers, Teeth Cleanings, Dentures, Root Canal Therapy, Dental Sealants, Teeth Whitening, as well as Tooth Extractions.


Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a technique used to correct imperfections with your teeth to give you a better-looking smile. MMC uses Dental Bonding to repair your chipped teeth, decayed teeth, and cracked teeth. Bonding involves applying a tooth-colored resin material to the teeth and hardening it with a light to improve a person's smile

Dental Crowns

Dental bonding is a dental prosthesis which replaces the visible part of a tooth. MMC uses Dental Crowns functions to strengthen teeth, restore their original shape, and improve their appearance. Dental crowns are also used to hold dental bridges in place and cover dental implants


Bridgework is a structure between two dental crowns to fill the gap between missing teeth. A bridge can be supported by your teeth, implants, or a combination of teeth and implants. MMC uses Dental Bridge to restore your smile, improve your appearance, and take years off your look.

Tooth Fillings

Tooth Fillings Cosmetic fillings, or tooth- colored fillings, are made of composite resin and glass particles. They are cemented onto the existing teeth using a bonding agent. MMC uses Cosmetic Fillings to improve the appearance of your smile. Unlike silver-colored fillings, cosmetic fillings look just like your natural teeth

Dental Invisalign/Braces

Crooked smile? MMC got you covered by Invisalign. Invisalign is the best way to straighten your smile without interfering with your day-to-day life. Invisalign gradually moves your teeth using a series of custom-fitted, removable aligners. Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible and very comfortable to wear

Dental Veneers
Many people are discovering the benefits of veneers. Veneers are thin coverings that are placed over the front part of the teeth. MMC Dental Veneers are placed on teeth that are crooked, poorly shaped, or severely discolored

Teeth Cleanings

You should visit MMC dentists every six months for Teeth Cleanings. Tartar is a hard buildup of plaque that forms on the teeth. Tartar forms below and above the gum line. The only way to remove tartar is to see a dentist for a professional teeth cleaning. Regular teeth cleanings are important to maintaining healthy teeth and gums


Have you lost most or all of your teeth? MMC Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth. A complete denture is used when all of the patient's teeth are missing. A partial denture is used when only some of the teeth are missing.Today's dentures are natural looking and more comfortable than ever

Root Canal Therapy

In the past, diseased teeth often had to be extracted. Today, they often can be saved through root canal therapy. MMC Root Canal is a dental procedure that is used to repair teeth that are infected or badly decayed. Some people fear root canal treatments because they assume they are painful. Most people report that the procedure is no more painful than having a filling placed

Dental Sealants

Sealants are made of plastic and are applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to prevent tooth decay. MMC Dental Sealants are painted on as a liquid and harden to form a shield over the teeth. Having sealants put on your teeth will save you money in the long run by avoiding dental fillings, crowns, and other dental treatments

Teeth Whitening

Want a whiter smile? Your main options are at-home and in-office bleaching. At-home, Teeth Whitening involves custom-made dental trays filled with hydrogen peroxide gel that you can use at home. For in-office bleaching, MMC dentist will combine hydrogen peroxide gel with a light source to speed up the whitening process

Tooth Extractions

A tooth extraction, or dental extraction, is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone. There are a number of reasons why tooth removal may be necessary. Tooth Extraction may be necessary if your tooth is so damaged that it can't be fixed with a dental restoration. In some cases, MMC dentists extract teeth to prepare the patient's mouth for orthodontic treatment